Student Profile


Please complete our Student Profile below. It helps us to optimize the school selection process, and to introduce your child to the relevant boarding schools.

In the last step of the Student Profile, you can upload all the documents we need for your child's application. Please have the following documents ready in digital form:

  • the three latest school reports - both mid-year and end-of-year reports
  • a ‘Letter of Motivation’ - you are welcome to use our Essay Guide if needed
  • a recent photo - it does not need to be a passport photo, but if possible a portrait photo
  • a signed counselling contract - for applications in Europe or overseas
  • Optional: additional documents such as certificates, awards or other documents that could be helpful for the application

Important: Please complete this form only if you have already had an initial interview with one of our consultants. If you would like to start the application process but have not yet been in contact with us, we look forward to receiving your call or e-mail.

Engagiert, kompetent und einfühlsam

Lernen Sie unsere Beraterinnen kennen

Jede der Beraterinnen bei Töchter und Söhne hat einen Bereich, in dem sie sich besonders gut auskennt. Nutzen Sie deren Kompetenz! Wenn Sie eine bestimmte Beraterin mal nicht direkt erreichen können, ist sie bestimmt auf einer ihrer regelmäßigen Inspektionsreisen zu Internaten.