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Appleby College


We challenge our students to develop high levels of capabilities across a wide range of activities – academics, athletics, the arts, service, global education, outdoor education, as well as living and working with people from a diverse range of backgrounds and perspectives. This broad experience is all encompassing and, we believe, the right approach to prepare our graduates to be major contributors to their local, national and international communities in the fast-changing, globally-connected world of today and tomorrow.


Anzahl Schüler

Gesamt: 800 | Intern: 275 | Extern: 525

Internationale Schüler


Durchschnittliche Klassengröße



AP Placements / OSSD


Englisch / Französisch / Mandarin

Außercurriculare Aktivitäten

Appleby Athletics approaches the development of student athletes as an integrated process. While the spirit of competition is strong, it is the development of character and leadership within a team setting as a point of emphasis. Through a wide range of offerings, our students are not only establishing the basic fundamentals of sport, and the value of active living, but they are also exposed to the importance of sportsmanship, reflection, support, and overcoming challenges.

The Appleby Arts Programme at Appleby College offers students opportunities to stretch their creativity while showcasing and developing their talents. Our dynamic programming provides academic instruction in Dance, Drama, Media, Music (Instrumental, Jazz, Strings, and Vocal), and Visual Arts as well as a multitude of co-curricular and club options. Through the Arts, we become better listeners, collaborators, and leaders as we learn more about ourselves, others, and the world around us.

Sportliche/musische Schwerpunkte

The Upper School (Grade 9 & 10) strives to provide a breadth of experience for our students, from our academic and co-curricular programme, to experiential trips at our S. Bruce McLaughlin Northern Campus in Temagami. Students have a multitude of opportunities to establish their identity, both their own and within their school community. The confidence that students gain leaves them well prepared for the challenges ahead.

In Senior School (Grade 11 & 12), the focus is on developing well-rounded individuals. Through opportunities such as co-curriculars, leadership roles, Boarding Life programming, and the Appleby College Diploma with Distinction in Global Leadership, students learn to develop the vital academic and social skills needed to succeed at the next level of their educational endeavours.

Nächster Flughafen - Entfernung

Toronto - 30 KM

Nächster Bahnhof - Entfernung

Union Station (Toronto) - 30 KM

Kosten in Landeswährung / Jahr

79.000Can $


Virtual Open House



I wish I were there

Wer diese Schule einmal besucht hat, kann sich ihrer Faszination kaum noch entziehen. Nur 30 Minuten von der brodelnden Metropole Toronto entfernt, beginnt gleich hinter dem Villenvorort Oakville eine der schönsten Schulen Kanadas: Appleby. Direkt am Ufer des Ontariosees gelegen, schaut man vom Strand auf die faszinierende Skyline von Toronto.

Diese Schule bietet alles, was man sich von einem Internat nur erträumen kann. Hervorragende Sportstätten, eine einmalige Seepromenade direkt vor der Haustür, genauer: einem Hausstrand und –hafen, sowie Klassenzimmer und Labore von höchster Qualität. Das akademische Niveau ist beachtlich; doch die individuelle Unterstützung ist dem adäquat. Der Computer gehört in Appleby zur ganz normalen Lehrausstattung, und dass fast alle Klassenräume über Smart Boards verfügen, bei denen die elektronische Tafel direkt mit dem individuellen Laptop verknüpft ist, ist hier selbstverständlich. Wie viele kanadische Internate verfügt auch Appleby über einen faszinierenden Outdoor-Campus in der kanadischen Wildnis. Aber auch auf dem Schulgelände selbst gibt es Outdoor-Klassen“zimmer“. Was in der Natur direkt erfahren werden kann, wird auch dort gelernt; nicht theoretisch im Schulgelände, sondern im Wald, am See. Da versteht man auch, dass Appleby eine der Round Square-Schulen ist, die die Pädagogik Kurt Hahns am konsequentesten leben.

Wer mehr und Detaillierteres über Appleby erfahren möchte, sollte einfach mal unverbindlich bei Töchter und Söhne anrufen: 0611 – 180 5882 oder uns eine E-Mail schicken. Die Beraterinnen freuen sich, ihr Wissen und ihre Erfahrung zu teilen und mit Ihnen zu besprechen, ob Appleby nicht eine Option für Ihr Kind sein könnte.



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Freitag, 19.04.2024

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Freitag, 26.04.2024

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Mittwoch, 05.06.2024

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Freitag, 28.06.2024

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Freitag, 26.04.2024

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Bitte vereinbaren Sie vorab Ihren ganz persönlichen Termin: per online Formular, telefonisch unter 0049-611–180 58 82 oder per E-Mail an office@internate.org


Anzahl Schüler

Gesamt: 800 | Intern: 275 | Extern: 525

Internationale Schüler


Durchschnittliche Klassengröße



AP Placements / OSSD


Englisch / Französisch / Mandarin

Außercurriculare Aktivitäten

Appleby Athletics approaches the development of student athletes as an integrated process. While the spirit of competition is strong, it is the development of character and leadership within a team setting as a point of emphasis. Through a wide range of offerings, our students are not only establishing the basic fundamentals of sport, and the value of active living, but they are also exposed to the importance of sportsmanship, reflection, support, and overcoming challenges.

The Appleby Arts Programme at Appleby College offers students opportunities to stretch their creativity while showcasing and developing their talents. Our dynamic programming provides academic instruction in Dance, Drama, Media, Music (Instrumental, Jazz, Strings, and Vocal), and Visual Arts as well as a multitude of co-curricular and club options. Through the Arts, we become better listeners, collaborators, and leaders as we learn more about ourselves, others, and the world around us.

Sportliche/musische Schwerpunkte

The Upper School (Grade 9 & 10) strives to provide a breadth of experience for our students, from our academic and co-curricular programme, to experiential trips at our S. Bruce McLaughlin Northern Campus in Temagami. Students have a multitude of opportunities to establish their identity, both their own and within their school community. The confidence that students gain leaves them well prepared for the challenges ahead.

In Senior School (Grade 11 & 12), the focus is on developing well-rounded individuals. Through opportunities such as co-curriculars, leadership roles, Boarding Life programming, and the Appleby College Diploma with Distinction in Global Leadership, students learn to develop the vital academic and social skills needed to succeed at the next level of their educational endeavours.

Nächster Flughafen - Entfernung

Toronto - 30 KM

Nächster Bahnhof - Entfernung

Union Station (Toronto) - 30 KM

Kosten in Landeswährung / Jahr

79.000Can $


Virtual Open House




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